Personally, I had a pretty great year, and I'm hugely thankful to end the year in remission from Crohn's Disease. Good health allowed me to have a productive writing year, with the publication of 'The Café in Fir Tree Park' in May and 'Joe and Clara's Christmas Countdown' in October. I gained a friend and agent in Julia Silk in June and drafted the first book in a series, which I'm currently in the process of editing - it's due to go out on submission to publishers in early 2018. I became a vegan. I walked a lot. I spent quality time with family and friends.

As a fan of live music I saw (amongst others) old favourites (Take That, Frank Turner) and little-known gems (Charlie Barnes, Felix Hagan and the Family); world-wide megastars (Blondie, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles) and hot new talent (Declan McKenna). I also listened to a lot of Blossoms, Bastille and Man Made this year and would love to see them live during 2018.
I enjoyed fabulous musical theatre, seeing 'The Girls' in London and touring productions of 'Rent', 'Grease', 'The Addams Family' and 'The Band' and am looking forward to more toe-tapping in theatres around the country in 2018.

Pleasure came in many other forms, too. Sleepy cream from Lush. Fluffy slipper socks. Cake at Steel City Cakes on Sheffield's Abbeydale Road. Crate digging at Spinning Discs record shop. Meeting with a friend to watch favourite Disney films. Booja Booja ice cream (and Booja Booja chocolate).
Thank you, 2017. Thank you.
I'd love to hear about the things you've loved in 2017 - tweet me @katey5678 or comment below!
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