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Showing posts from March, 2019

Good Writing Days, Bad Writing Days

There's nothing better than a good writing day, one where the words flow without stutters or false starts. On a good writing day being a novelist is the best job in the world. Pride flutters in my chest when I've not only met my wordcount but nailed a chunk of text that drives the story forward, or includes a sentence or image that I'm particularly proud of. Those highs are addictive, they're what I'm striving for on a daily basis. Of course, words don't always come easily. There are times where I'm frozen in fear as I look at a blank page, terrified that the ideas in my head won't translate to the page, or when all creativity eludes me. Sometimes I'm tired after a day at work and staring at a screen is the last thing I feel like doing. Writing can be painful, exhausting and sometimes near impossible. However, now I've been writing 'seriously' for a good few years I've come to accept that both good days and bad days are ...