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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Path I Chose Isn't Straight and Narrow, It Wanders Around Like A Drunken Fellow

I hadn't planned to blog today.  I'm not prepared for Christmas, we've got friends coming to stay tomorrow night and my writing?  Well, let's just say that December's been a quiet month on that front.  I'm suffering from a NaNoWriMo hangover and a crisis of confidence.  And the paperback of The Singalong Society for Singletons is released tomorrow.  I should probably be promoting that.  There are so many things that I could and should be doing right now that don't involve blogging, but I feel as though I need to write this post. Last night I went to the cinema to watch Get Better , a documentary about musician Frank Turner.  I've been a fan of his for six years or so now after my friend Pip gave me his Love, Ire and Song album.  When she handed it to me she described it as 'folky punk'.  I didn't think 'folky punk' would be my kind of thing, but Frank's blunt yet poetic lyrics really s...

Three Men and a Maybe - my Christmas present to you!

I'm delighted to share that my new novella is now available to download - and what's more, it's free !  Harper Impulse have published  Three Men and a Maybe just in time for the festive season (the story itself is set on New Year's Eve), and I like to think of it as my Christmas present to you, the readers who've been so incredibly supportive throughout 2016. I'd love to hear what you think of Cerys, Ricky, Huw, Angelo and the rest of the gang, so please do let me know!   The Blurb It’s the age-old saying. You wait all day for a bus, and then three come along at once. But proposals? That’s just ridiculous. And yet, on New Year’s Eve, as the countdown finishes and the whole pub erupts in celebrations, Cerys finds herself staring at her ex-fiancĂ©, Ricky. Who just so happens to be kneeling on the floor, ring in hand, asking her to marry him. Again. And if that weren’t enough, hot barman Angelo, and longtime friend Huw also decide to pop the question. ...