I've been meaning to write this post for a year. Yes, you did read that right - A YEAR. March 31st 2015 was the day I got 'the call' from Charlotte at Harper Impulse offering me my very first contract. To say it was a total shock is an understatement - I'd submitted The Meet Cute to so many publishers and agents without success that I'd all but given up hope of them getting published. In fact, I wasn't even sure which submission Charlotte wanted to talk to me about because I'd subbed to Harper Impulse so many times over the previous year! It sounds like the biggest cliché, but as soon as Charlotte said she loved the Meet Cute collection and wanted to publish them as individual releases (I'd put them forward as an anthology) it was like a weight had been lifted. Most writers get attached to their work - I think that's normal, actually - but I'd really felt like this series needed to be 'out there'. It felt f...