Laura from popular book blog Blabbering about Books shares the moment she met her partner... There’s a slight stigma that comes with meeting someone online and before I met my partner over the internet I would have held some sort of prejudice towards online relationships. I joined a dating website on a complete whim after an author friend wanted some really funny online dating stories to include in her next novel. I decided to join the dating website, sure that it would just be an exercise in demonstrating how silly online relationships really were. But, what I didn’t expect was to find someone who I very quickly fell for. From the first message I sent him, I felt like I’d known Mike forever. It felt so natural and normal to be talking to him and despite the fact I’d never met him and knew very little about him, I still was keen to meet him. The first time we met (he was late by about half an hour!!!) was the best ‘first date’ I’ve ever had. I didn’t feel any nerves...